University Preparation Webinars

These sets of webinars, aimed at students in Years 12 and 13, have two aims: to introduce young people in the final two years of secondary school to the excitement, pleasure and rigour of university level study; and, to help prepare them effectively for the next stage of their academic careers.

Some courses introduce students to entirely new disciplines; others build on A-level study, exploring material and topics taught at A-level in greater depth and breadth. Some courses help students prepare for admissions assessments and interviews at the most competitive UK universities; others expose participants to the joy of learning for its own sake and the unparalleled stimulation of intellectual debate. All courses are designed, developed and delivered by expert tutors in their respective fields, many of whom have taught at the UK’s best universities.

We have capped the number of participants in each webinar at 10 to ensure that each participant is able to contribute actively and receive tutor and peer feedback on his or her contribution. For each set of webinars, as well as the materials covered in the course, we provide further reading and materials for students to work on by themselves, with their peers and with their teachers.

To book a place, please email
